
data class CoverFlowParams(val size: Float = 0.5f, val offset: Float = 0.4f, val distanceFactor: DistanceFactor = OffsetLinearDistanceFactor(), val angle: Float = 55.0f, val shift: Float = 0.4f, val zoom: Float = 0.8f, val mirror: Boolean = true) : Parcelable

Params for configuring the coverflow composable.

All relevant values are relativ to the dimensions of the CoverFlow composable to make it responsive. It is based on the shorter of the two sides of the outer component.



is multiplied with that edge to get the cover size in the middle.


is multiplied with that edge to get the distance between two covers in the list.


calculates how strong the transformations are applied to covers depending on their distance to the center.


is the maximum rotation angle.


is the horizontal shift of the items away from the center. Useful for giving the center element more space.


makes the side elements smaller.


acitvates the mirror effect.


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constructor(size: Float = 0.5f, offset: Float = 0.4f, distanceFactor: DistanceFactor = OffsetLinearDistanceFactor(), angle: Float = 55.0f, shift: Float = 0.4f, zoom: Float = 0.8f, mirror: Boolean = true)


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val angle: Float = 55.0f
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val mirror: Boolean = true
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val offset: Float = 0.4f
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val shift: Float = 0.4f
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val size: Float = 0.5f
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val zoom: Float = 0.8f


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)